It would get stale fast though, like part of the charm of these kinds of episodes is that they're a rare break from the norm.
no no no, i dont think you get it: 1. its a very funny concept for an episode 2. tv shows are made up of episodes in a row 3. to make a very funny show you simply need a series of very funny episodes
Thanks. We have been working day and night on getting this all together... night and day... nights... mostly nights.
no, and I actually had to Google what that was. contrary to what everything about me would suggest I don't know much about "music"
that sounded needlessly sarcastic but in all honesty it's hilarious that my internet presence has become so centered around music opinions when I still think of myself as a visual art person
I listen to all my music on YouTube or on CDs I own (which also means my Spotify Wrapped is always meaningless)