you have activated my interest by commenting on my site so I saw it nontheless HA
its like the best people can do is "well that guys got glasses and that guys got parted hair"
J Otto Seibold is just legendary but. yeah. sheesh. You can probably tell from my reviews that Brooke Keesling's clay puppets are my favorite
David Cowles is good too but my favorite for "????" factor is the pixel ones where they've turned JL's hair into like. a beehive hairdo. It's just a tower on top of his head
jl has to walk very carefully at all times so he doesnt become unbalanced and tumble over
its "giving up" by stock hausen & walkman, a fantastic early plunderphonics album
i mean yeah, if a ferrets in captivity its technically not in the wild. very sharp retort sir
i figured i should make this known at some point before anyone gets sad/offended because i dont follow them back
because the schools internet filter is big dumb dumb and also this school issued laptop is the only device i have
Also, if the laptop allows chrome extentions, you can download a very crappy free vpn and all websites will be unblocked
i really dont care enough to go out of my way to install a vpn, offneocities sites are really the only thing i would want to go to that i cant
It takes a few seconds to install one, and every site will be unblocked not just neocities sites.
dav pilkey
captain underwear wouldve been infinitely better it it was illustrated by lane smith or adam mccauley
point taken