
2,359 updates
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Got a switch lite for Christmas, finally no longer gaming 10 years behind the times. Having unprecedented amounts of fun with smt V, this game FUCKS.
Brennholzbude was updated.
1 year ago
Am I tripping or did you use to be called blankman*a*ger?
blamensir 1 year ago

nope! i was always blankmanger

brennholz 1 year ago

Damn... I always thought it was a play on "bank manager", which did seem kind of random and unfitting. "Manger" makes so much more sense for your site lol

blamensir 1 year ago

hahaha no blankmanger is the medieval name/version of blancmange… I have had some obscure obsession with it for a couple of years now!lol

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brennholz 1 year ago

Oh wow, that's wild! Would never have guessed that. Then I was way off with both interpretations lol.

Brennholzbude was updated.
1 year ago
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brennholz 1 year ago

nothing new, just trimming the hedges...

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Brennholzbude was updated.
1 year ago
pikemalarkey 1 year ago

Two hours in a washroom sounds like a small hell. Sorry to hear you were going through that. People get so used to not being heard that often complaints automatically come with !! and CAPS LOCK and just stress others out.

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yardonthirdstreet 1 year ago

+ to what pikemalarkey wrote; also yeah. I wish people would be straightforward with their feelings so that we could avoid having resentment bottle up so much. But a tentative cheers to open communication and honestly exchanged expectations, so that you won't feel suffocated or obliged to be extremely careful in a space that you may call home

Keep running into your yt when looking into stuff... Bless you for everything you've done for these rinkydink old fromsoft games 🙏 (+ macaroni soup looks adorable)
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taptroupe 1 year ago

Thank you, you're too kind <:3 I just really love them a lot! And thank you for the kind words on my film too, I always liked how my website hosts these two completely unrelated things heheh

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Brennholzbude was updated.
1 year ago
1 more day until Internet returns. 1 more day to finish "War and Peace" before I return to my usual, gremlin-esque net addict existence.
brennholz 1 year ago

Nevermind lol. Sat around in my room waiting for the Internet man for four hours, but he never came. Still at the goddamn library

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pikemalarkey 1 year ago

I feel your pain (sort of) - internet was gone for three hours this morning and I was completely beside myself. This too shall pass!

1 like
brennholz 1 year ago

Let's hope...

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Last updated 9 months ago
CreatedJun 1, 2021
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