VM’s Numbers Station

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vm70 8 months ago

Rest in peace, 123guestbook. You will be missed.

I'm back in black and ready to react! Thanks for your patience while I took care of some personal stuff offline.
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YO I JUST SAW THE HALL OF FAME WHAT?? Thank you so much man!! I'm glad you got something cool out of it Edit: Omg I'm reading the article this is so cool! bruno_proba = bruno_counts lmao, I'm so honored. Also thanks for keeping the typo from my prompt appreciate it pal XD
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vm70 8 months ago

Thanks so much, Bruno!

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vm70 10 months ago

Happy Fedora 40 release! 🎉 Time to upgrade my computer's packages and my website's QMD notebooks.

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rbuchanan 10 months ago

Does Fedora use separate utilities for local and remote packages like other distros? On FreeBSD, pkg does everything (from jails and ports, too)....

vm70 10 months ago

@rbuchanan Fedora uses DNF for both installing local RPM packages and downloading from repositories. You can install packages with the RPM CLI tool too, but it's not recommended. I don't think DNF is as as powerful as FreeBSD's pkg.

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