Scott's Site

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Well according to my goatcounter stats a few people are now at least visiting Superdeb each day! So that's nice. 👩‍🦰
Old habits die hard. Recently switched from var to let, but I keep typing var lol. xD
scott2 4 days ago

Just messing about with some ideas for Static Utra and my next site revamp which will likely be soon lol.

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scott2 4 days ago

INTERESTING this method doesn't flicker between page visits. That was my plan all along muahhaahhahahahah *hysterical laugher continues for some time*

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owlyyy 4 days ago

Hoot? Does this mean I'm going to have to make another Static Ultra video?

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scott2 4 days ago

It's looking that way Owly... 😬

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I am regretting not using Static Ultra. It actually solved a few problems I forgot about lol. xD But the plan is to incorporate the best of SU and my new way of doing things into a new, simpler version of Static Ultra! So it's all goooood.
scott2 6 days ago

The bubbles now pop when match 3 or more, the disconnected ones fall, and the computer even plays! Although it plays random shots. 😆 Still early stages, but more updates coming soon! 😁 Click screen to activate, then Arrow Keys + Z or game controller to play. 🙂

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scott2 6 days ago

If you'd like to play something more complete in the mean time, try 👩‍🦰 Superdeb!

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"Think I'll keep a log of my progress on this project" *second entry, two months later* "Man I sure forgot to update this lol"
aywren 1 week ago

I know this feeling all too well.

So I made a BlueSky account, and all it's showing me is posts by accounts that already have 9999 followers. Was kinda hoping it might be a platform that helped out smaller accounts by showing their posts to other smaller accounts. Other than that, well if you like X you'll like BlueSky, it's basically a clone lol. Edit: Update a few days later I was wrong about this and BlueSky is good, better than X for this issue.
divergentrays 2 weeks ago

Look for feeds to subscribe to and look for "starter packs" - prepackaged groups of accounts to follow. They have them for all topics. I used a cat starter pack. Honestly, it's mostly cats I follow on Bluesky.

scott2 2 weeks ago

Sounds like a good way to get started, thanks!

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Jeez, today I gave Firefox a whirl for the first time in ages, to test the recent update to my site. It seems blazingly fast, like much more so than last time I tried FF.
scott2 3 weeks ago

Hey all, today's post is a simple tutorial, explaining an approach to avoiding having to update your navbar or layout on multiple pages.

moheb-rofail 3 weeks ago

Good tutorial, I'm doing the opposite I think, I include header and footers as separate files.

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CreatedFeb 4, 2023
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