Scott's Site

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scott2 3 weeks ago

I was just in the mood for writing and I've been enjoying playing Goldeneye this last couple weeks. I'll spruce it up with logos/screenies etc some time soon. xD

1 like
owlyyy 3 weeks ago

Hoot hoot, it's a good game but I don't think there are any owls in it. :(

1 like
scott2 3 weeks ago

Uh... thanks Owly. xD

I tried the lottery today and didn't win. Unbelievable.
Disqus has polls now, but you have to either pay or be getting 300k visitors per month. Well, I guess I just need another 299,999 views each month and I can use them then lol.
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saltedslug 1 month ago

left the menu music playing for an unreasonable amount of time, what a bop

1 like
scott2 1 month ago

Thanks! Although, I can't take credit for the music, I got it from! Althoughhhh I *did* make the really tough effort of looking for it and choosing it I guess haha! xD

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Oops. Previous update broke the Category links due to some querySelector shenanigans. What a wally. This has now been fixed also.
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scott2 1 month ago

So I discovered category jump wasn't working in the old Copy & Paste Emoji app I made xD. Fixed! For new followers I have since I published that a few years ago, you can use this tool to, well, copy and paste emojis lol.

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owlyyy 1 month ago

Hoot hoot, I use this all the time! The search feature is useful for owls. 🦉

1 like
scott2 1 month ago

Thanks Owly, glad you find it useful!

1 like
Never give up. Sure, there's a good chance it won't work out, but trying kills time! 😁😁😁
september 1 month ago

Okay, but truth! You can't be bored as long as you're trying! :D

1 like
scott2 1 month ago

Yeah, you're right! 😁😁

Would you like to make more MONEY? Well, I have a simple method, allow me to demonstrate - pass me a £5 note, please. *receives the £5 note* Thank you! *Puts in wallet*. It's THAT SIMPLE!!!
scott2 1 month ago

Credit: I got this from an old cartoon called Sheep in the Big City.

Apparently Disqus is adding polls soon. As in, I think you'll be able to use Disqus to add polls to your site. :O
aywren 2 months ago

Oh! Interesting! :O


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