Hard Software

160 updates
0 tips
And props to you guys! The projects are incredible!
I found a bug on the minecraft skin-editor, when you paint internal parts of the body it simultaneously paints the back of the head, a double painting likely caused by wrong mapping, but its not a big problem. Also, could you add a "download" skin button? i couldn't get the redirect link to work, so i runned this on the console to get my skin png: document.getElementById('skin').toDataURL('image/png')
Great site you have! The web components page is particularly useful for me personally right now. I stumbled across them recently and it's been on my todo list to learn about them. So thanks haha!
hard-software 2 months ago

Thanks for the feedback! Web components can be very handy. There are some topics about them like the shadow DOM that i didn't touch but are very useful! I'll expand that page someday.

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hard-software 2 months ago

Updated a ton of things. I'm using a module bundler (vite) and it hashes the filenames, this makes so the files get a unique filename everytime and old site visitors don't have cache problems, since files have new names, those will be reloaded and newest content will show! Thats good, but i hope no problems like too many files to upload or too big filesize transfer happen in the future, since all files are re-upped.

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Last updated 2 weeks ago
CreatedNov 12, 2024
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programming tutorials software