Popi's Bubbles

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omg how did you make the galleries page? it looks so cool
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theunicorns 1 year ago

Thank you! Im on mobile rn and i dont remember fully how i set it up, but basically i started by creating the full image, then i painted the shadows darker, and set the image as the background in a div with a static height, width, and position.. I decided not to make it responsive because even though im sure theres a way, im a beginner and it made my brain hurt to think about it. Oh shit theres a character limit on

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theunicorns 1 year ago

Part TWO!! then i saved the rooms with lighting and labels seperatly on transparent pngs. I created more divs inside the main house div, which overlapped each room, and i made each of those divs into a link. Then i put the room pngs inside them with absolute positioning, and lined it up as best i could. Then, i set the images to display: none, then set a:hover img to display:block.

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theunicorns 1 year ago

Part THREE (FINAL) !!! the pngs overlapped the links, so i had to also adjust the z index to put them behind my invisible div links. And finally, i didnt know about setting the overflow to hidden, so there are various spacing issues which i tried to cover up with grass images. Voila! Hacky as fuck but totally cool, right?? Love ur site too btw!!

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popisbubbles 1 year ago

thank you so much for the detailed response, i think that's a pretty smart way of doing it and the outcome is really nice!! it's inspiring me to add other stuff with that system to my page haha

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popisbubbles 1 year ago

i was also wondering if you made the house in 3D or if it's a photo collage?

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theunicorns 12 months ago

Ah, just collage. I used some elements from across the web, painted on it, and used stable diffusion (don't kill me)

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wow thank you for 10k views?? (⊙_⊙)
i love your new layout! super cool xD
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popisbubbles 1 year ago

thank youuu ( ◡̀_◡́)ᕤ still got a lot to fix tho haha

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just found your site, i am in love it's so cute aaaah
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popisbubbles 1 year ago

thank you so much ಥ﹏ಥ♡

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CreatedJan 8, 2024
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