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sometimes I might have a little turn of phrase that's interesting and makes people think. and every time I send an email newsletter I get a bunch of replies that say they never thought of it that way and they're glad to get my perspective. and yet! I know that my ideas are useless.
I fucking hate imposter syndrome guys
My psychiatrist told me I shouldn't even entertain these thoughts because once I start feeling useless you know it just snowballs but like how do people actually fix this? how do people get over it? I'm a professional writer and I still can't get over it. I'm literally supporting myself with writ
Imposter syndrome can be fixed over time with an amazing DBT technique called "opposite action"
You can also try to categorize your thoughts into "helpful and true" vs "not helpful and not true" and do whatever you can to disregard and not entertain the latter
@plushspace thank you for a practical tip! I've heard a lot about DBT and it seems like I really need to engage in it. thank you, I will try this!
🤯🤯 reading about opposite action and it makes so much sense
Yo i am so glad i could share this amazing tip with you. Its so easy to feel like a slave to our thoughts but we have more free will and more control than we think. This also might sound wild but gut health can also directly effect mental health as well particularly flammatory foods. Next time low self esteem strikes try also clocking the foods you ate around the time of having those thoughts vs times you felt good
It is not at all a problem that you have these thoughts/feelings. Give them space and gentleness and they lose their power. I just try to remember that the self doubt itself is part of the creative process, and that if I keep going on the project and give my feelings space to come and go, it usually resolves on its own.