luficer in the lounge

2,149 updates
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your syte is amazing , thank you for its creation ! im glad to have stumbled across it and i love earthbound ,,,, and ur little 88x31 button :3
moonview 6 years ago

thank you so much!! i quite like your site as well! :~D

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dead for the night , funhouse finally started , and biggulpsupreme followed me so !! brb dyin !!
Yeah neocities doesn't notify you when someone replies. Only if they comment on your site directly. I'm gonna try to get the songs on my site working again. just 4 u bby
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luficerslounge 6 years ago

good to know , i'll keep that in mind . sweet lmfao thank yeww ^_^

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please update !! come back !!
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biggulpsupreme 6 years ago

I checked my e-mail at the exact time you sent this. I used to update it daily, but ever since youtube fucked up the autoplay function for all my onsite music, I haven't felt like messing around with it.

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luficerslounge 6 years ago

it was fate for you to see this immediately . im your biggest fan bruv !! isn't there a way to embedd .mp3 to the site ? like direct audio may help bc youtube is a fuckR c: fair enough , but hopefully the feeling to mess around comes soon ;p

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biggulpsupreme 6 years ago

Yeah, download yt videos at mp3s, then upload them to some host. I've done it on a few pages now. Cured images, my Dilbert pages, Shiggidy Castle, and the About page.

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sick syte bruv !
you have to put the CAG button in your website before i can add you btw i made a discord server for CAG if yuo want to join it the link is
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luficerslounge 6 years ago

okie dokie when i have time ill get that together , im currently mobile coding and its more than frustrating . catch u on the flip side when im back on my windows xp laptop !

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thanks for the follow dude , i love your syte !
Thank you Luciferslounge Let's conquer the world!

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Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedJul 16, 2018
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drugs music videogames 90s death