Jade Everstone - Jade Everstone

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there's a few more stragglers & projects that have yet to be posted but outside of that... the mamoth task of backing up most of my old art on site... so I no longer have to refer to DA... done... holy shit....
not including inktobers & larger projects I'm in the end game for backing up old art
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126 pics for 2018 compressed & ready to post so far, unknown amount of pics to go... needless to say, I feel like a california rasin
Artworks homepage has been swapped over to the Projects page layout. Mostly for tidyness, since the old card-based one didn't match other layouts on the site
jade-everstone 1 year ago

also, 2018 page is open! It's only a small fraction of it since there's 100+ images I need to back up (& honestly just peeking into the folder of rounded-up images overwhelms me) so it's going to be slowly chipped away at for now. Plus given that art is 5+ years old should be a given it's not representative of my current stuff (take it as a look at how I started out)

Before I continue with art archiving & adding new pages, I'm doing some code clean-up on the projects page (mostly to get rid on inline css for proper divs & make the thumbnails links as well)
few more pics added to 2019 & 2020. Seems I forgot several pics because they were in an out-of-the-way folder on my old laptop. For refrence they were from a canned Monster Hunter fanfic of mine & got dumped in a separate folder relating to that... a folder that got breezed over in my initial backups
jade-everstone 1 year ago

speaking of writing, I was thinking about adding a 'writing archive' to the site (as in for writing writing, not blog archives) but i feel like I don't have enough modern examples to throw up that aren't comic scripts or personal work (in other words it'd be a lot of really old unfinished fanfics from highschool)

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Last updated 3 days ago
CreatedDec 5, 2018
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art personal comics illustration