Jade Everstone - Jade Everstone

9,311 updates
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Archive update: all but 2 of my art summaries have been archived onsite! (the latter two involve art I have to compress & prep for the site). Also a really old zine from highschool is archived in the 2017 year archive: 2017 unreleased works, a digital sketchbook of various things I didn't post that year
Before the year ends I want to finish at least one of these for the site: migrate the rest of my art summaries here, finish the free software list page. I say one or the other since I have other plans for this month & know if I make solid plans for both they're going to take longer anyways
I think i'm just gonna have to deal with the gore art gallery being it's own page/not being easy to organize since it seems every attempt at a filtering system i've tried just clashes with Macy/the masonry JS I'm using for the site

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Last updated 3 days ago
CreatedDec 5, 2018
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art personal comics illustration