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drawloverlala 8 months ago

oh this is a nostalgic sight! 😄

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ralts 8 months ago

Oh that is a beautiful recreation of DeviantArt's old layout... Man I love and hate how hobbyists can make a better site layout than corporate geeks

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jade-everstone 8 months ago

@drawloverlala & @ralts thank you! sdfghjkl I've been wanting to make my stamps collection on a DA clone page for a while too, it feels right (especially off of... how minimalist & dysfunctional DA becamelol)

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koy 8 months ago

instant flashbacks from my old dA days. I love this so so so much.

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A small thing I'll be chipping away at; with the art archive part of my site already set-up I think it's about time for the personal side of the site to get more updates. I don't plan on making it that huge as of now since the art archive's the main thing I use this site for, but having a few self indulgent pages won't hurt
jade-everstone 8 months ago

Also, I'm closing my buttons & stamps collections on the webmaster page for now since I'm moving them to their own pages eventually. I'm also thinking about refreshing the outbound links page but that's later down the line ig

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jade-everstone 8 months ago

archived some older 2019 art in prep for when I get around to adding my art summaries for those & as such have spun them out into their own page

not sure if it's a cache thing on my end or neocities' end but kinda goofy that even after I changed the header bg to an image the site's preview thumbnail is still the old ugly gradient lol
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jade-everstone 8 months ago

Chessbots page is now live! + since it was used during testing, Jpeg's page has been swapped to the updated comics gallery format as wellas well

jade-everstone 9 months ago

artfights from 2019, 2021-2023 are posted! As posted earlier, 2022-23 was a big chunk of character art examples that was missing! 2021 & 2019 were backed up as a "might as well while I'm at it"

I think it's about time I start migrating my artfight stuff onsite. Was gonna have a separate gallery page, but tbh since I don't plan on doing AF going forward I'll just dump them as-is in the main gallery. + That's a huge chunk of my character art portfolio that's just missing, I'll rethink organizing later
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CreatedDec 5, 2018
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art illustration comics personal