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jade-everstone 9 months ago

Threw up a few pics in the 2023 gallery, some of them were already onsite + a few I hadn't added here before

There seems to be a major site-breaking issue on mobile at the moment. Basically, the new gallery layout completely breaks on mobile upon first loading into a page & every solution i've tried doesn't work. I made a backup incase this stuff happens, so if I can't find a working solution within the next few days I'll roll back the image galleries to the manual layout.
jade-everstone 9 months ago

responsive webdesign is suffering

jade-everstone 9 months ago

I'LL TAKE A BREAK AFTER THIS but I found a script that actually works (without a non-functional bandaid-fix). I need a break before fixing this site-wide... JS is headache inducing

Alright, rolled out the masonry layout & CSS comic galleries to the art subsite. I'm still holding off on using it for the homepage for now, but this should keep things neater for the main pages. As a bonus, for comic shorts a lot of them got extra notes when I swapped them over to the CSS galleries
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jade-everstone 9 months ago

I think i need a break before doing more site-wide tweaks. I can't pinpoint if it's tedium or repetition but updates like these really leave me fatigued at times 😅

jade-everstone 9 months ago

also, if you're having issues a reminder to try refreshing the page!

jade-everstone 9 months ago

Additional testing: a CSS only gallery for comics. I think i'll stick to lightboxes for now for the main galleries (large volume of pics would make it clunky to navigate) but for comics that need more than the screen height to keep things read-able, using CSS tabs will let me add longer thoughts/extra stuff without making comic pages tiny (or risking covering things up)

jade-everstone 9 months ago

+ I got the snippet off Kalechips if anyone else wants to check it out:

jade-everstone 9 months ago

Gallery testing. I noted in on the web to-dos page, But icymi i'm planning on switching it for ease-of-updating (aka not shuffling the whole layout to avoid large gaps). leaning towards the masonry layout for neatness, though I need to tweak some settings before rolling it out to other pages on the site

jade-everstone 9 months ago

as a misc note, the ease-of-updating thing is because with more pics being posted, re-shuffling pics for neatness is getting more tedious. & With me planning on switching to a different lightbox that requires using 2 divs (one for images one for modals) If i keep the gallery format as is it'd be a nightmare to keep things in the right order. minimising the amount of shuffling will make things easier in the long run

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CreatedDec 5, 2018
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art illustration comics personal