added a new story!!! this one is sort of a fusion of gothic horror with post apocalyptic and maybe a hint of magic depending on what you think is real...i hope you like it!
added a page for stuff i liked from creative writing class this past semester:)
also added a walloftext link that can be used as a comment section for all pages!
added a page for my folktale week story + drawings from last year! perhaps i'll not procrastinate it this year...the prompts just came out and I quite like them
added a tinyy illustration to the fisherman's daughter; replaced snake oil illustrations with better-quality scans of the drawings. unfortunately i've been having a rough semester so i haven't made much new stuff, but i'm taking creative writing so i'm considering putting up a couple of the short things i've written for that as well!
also added an illustration for bearskin: it's totally just a draft but i haven't made the finished one (and my dip pen broke ooops) so i figured it's better than nothing!!
added new frontispiece:) i have plans to heavily edit and essentially rewrite this story so i do feel dubious about bringing it back to the front w adding the picture but. regardless