Fresh Egg!

2,173 updates
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Fresh Egg! was updated.
6 months ago
HNY everyone!! <3 <3 Stay safe!
Merry christmas and happy holidays everyone! Stay safe! :> <3
randoseru 7 months ago

Merry Christmasss!

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Sorry for the periodic lull in activity- getting over a really bad flu ; _ ; still brainstorming site ideas too! Hope ya'll are doing well! Stay safe!
Wowow your site is so cute!! Thank u sm for the follow!! (Beautiful art and crafts too!!)
New sitemap link added to site!! (hopefully properly aligned haha;;) Stay safe!
Fresh Egg! was updated.
7 months ago
need to make a sitemap at this point i think!
Like, don't get me wrong- the RPG Maker official forums can be a place with a plethora of details and assistance when looking for help in game making, and new developers shouldn't have to feel scared to reach out on there if they need the help- i just wish the community in charge was a bit less...strict?? aa i dunno man
i know I've stated otherwise, but if I'm being honest: using the RPG Maker forums can be pretty intimidating imo. Maybe it's me being on the spectrum, but a lot of replies I would get as a beginner using RPG Maker for the first time would get me really snarky and condecending comments when I asked very basic/entry level questions. Some threads I had to close early because I was being berated so often;;
eggdev 7 months ago

so, er... just be wary, I guess? ): at least this has been my experience. Although, I have seen similar experiences when searching similar topics from new members. u _ u;

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aquariumaesthetic 7 months ago

i was just abt to comment on your page about your last status. i srsly hate gatekeepers, esp for attempting to gatekeep one of the most accessible forms of gamedev. whenever i see ppl being rude or condescending like that, i seriously roll my eyes. THEY are the cringe ones for taking the time to troll the RPGMaker forms. total losers

ophanimkei 7 months ago

yeah i don't use the forums anymore because of this. if you ever need help, you can always dm me and i can ask other dev friends. i've always been too scared to use the RPG maker forums bc people just seem so unhappy to help :<

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eggdev 7 months ago

@aquariumaesthetic Aw, thank you sm for your kind words! I saw a user who was brand new to the engine, looking for genuine help and someone claimed they must be trolling because they were asking such open-ended questions.. and it was a really recent post too- which made me really sad that users are STILL like that for new people just trying to figure things out ): ;;;

eggdev 7 months ago

@ophanimkei thank you for the offer, I really appreciate it!! I'm so thankful to the assistance of you and other users from the server that help in that regard- I haven't used the forums to post questions in a year or so now because of my experiences, but it seems they're still very condescending when it comes to asking things that they deem "basic knowledge" for RPG Maker;; idk im just an old person!! ; _ ;

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CreatedOct 13, 2017
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