Fresh Egg!

2,173 updates
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New blog post, also thank you all for the well wishes <3 <3 <3 I cant tell you how much I appreciate it ; _ ; it was super nice to come back to... I hope everyone's doing well too!! <3
severe pain is ongoing: possible hospital visit on the horizon but we'll see how things go... I'm hoping it doesnt come to that. I want to believe it's a pulled muscle and not a herniated disc like we feared. Either way, apologies for lack of updates on things in general!
sleepy-sage 1 year ago

feel better soon!

1 like
getcubed 1 year ago

wishing the best for you!

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ginder 1 year ago

I hope everything goes well for you!

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Fresh Egg! was updated.
1 year ago
eggdev 1 year ago

Sorry for the lack of update(s) for anyone who follows. Major injury has made sitting at my computer very difficult. (I know I can use mobile but it's just too much of a hassle for me rip) thank u!

i appreciate them adding the new followers thingy back, but i don't know how old these are archived bc it still doesnt show the most recent followers so idk what the point is adshf;laks
gonnefishin 1 year ago

I really wonder if they'll just backtrack on the change altogether. Rather.. I hope they will... (´。_。`)

eggdev 1 year ago

@gonnefishin yeaah;; not to mention- i didn't even get a lil notif. for this message you left;; i happened to see it when i refreshed the page ; _ ; I just wish they'd give us the option to see what we'd like to see on our feeds in general;;

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gonnefishin 1 year ago

I feel like they're doing it to take a firm stance against like... "social media" but I feel like it was already much farther removed than any common sm used today ALREADY?? idk lol

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Fresh Egg! was updated.
1 year ago
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oh thank god neocities stopped showing sm on the feed;; its so much cleaner now ; _ ; <3 <3
idk why neocities is showing those updates on my page from a week ago- i can't delete 'em either so rip me i guess
Added a new blog to my site! Rss feed should hopefully be functional; although I've noticed it takes a while for feed readers to update ;w; Hope yall have a good weekend!
Updated info about my games (: The pages themselves are quite plain looking, though that might change in the future. I've kept it this way for now to make reading the posts a bit easy on the eyes. Thank you for your continued support!
Fresh Egg! was updated.
1 year ago

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Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedOct 13, 2017
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