Fresh Egg!

2,173 updates
0 tips
just a quick tweak w/ the menu for my games' section on my About Games section- kinda rough but it'll do for now blegh _(:3」∠)_
aah there's so many adorable sites popping up or im just finding out abt, its rly fun!! I love seeing the cute things ppl can do with their webpages, its v inspiring!!
Ohh omg your site is so pretty! I love the Yume Nikki music/imagery and the colors + sparkles everywhere! Very cute!! Ty for the follow!/gen /pos :3
1 like
pearliasystem 2 months ago

Thank you lovely! Your site is really cute too! It feels... squishy ?? I think that works haha

1 like
ohh, i love the look of your site!! Its rly cohesive and I rly like the stickers section! Ty for the follow!! :>
1 like
furbee 2 months ago

Thank you so much! Your site is such a joy to look at can't wait to explore some more :)

1 like
aaa your site is suuper adorable, i love all the cute colors and artwork!! Ty for the follow, too! ^w^/
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confetticake 2 months ago

thank you so much!! :D i love love love your site too, fried eggs are the cutest theme EVER

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happy birthday!!!!
Lil update, but! I recently released my first ever rpgm game to the public now, link avail on my site + itchio :> I've never shared this one with the public before, but after some tinkering, i decided to share it! Thank ya'll!
Fresh Egg! was updated.
2 months ago
thank u sm for the follow!! your art and site are absolutely lovely!!!
1 like
mintywyvern 2 months ago

Thank you! Your site is such a delight to look through 🥺!

1 like
its rly sad abt 123guestbook but i think i'll wait till it's in readonly mode in june before switching fully ;w;/ archiving the kind messages ppl have left feels a bit somber aa..
aquariumaesthetic 2 months ago

It is sad, but I'm happy it pushed me to finally switch hosts :)


Website Stats

Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedOct 13, 2017
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gamedev rpgmaker