
10,598 updates
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google search having achievements so random like i got 10 clicks so i get a badge
dabric 10 months ago

what is Screenjesus

dabric 10 months ago

btw, that's the user agent for neocities' browser screenshotter. before it was just chrome, now it's Screenjesus

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dabric 10 months ago

apparently screenjesus is neocities' own screenshotter thing. it was removed from github but a capture of it exists:

myrrh 10 months ago

wait that's so interesting because I run a live radio station on my neocites site and I'm able to see what people use to listen with and I was wondering what screenjesus is for the longest time tbh. interesting that it was used to access audio though ?

dabric 10 months ago

@myrrh i believe the screenshotter is just a regular browser ran for like x amount of seconds, so if it autoplays it'll prolly pick it up? actually wondering what the limits to it is now...seems to do fine with 3D scenes, cross-origin requests, and even redirecting

dabric 10 months ago

also damn the chances of one off checking my neocities profile to see your 30min ago comment lmao

added a chatbot to the homepage lol
i've encountered people i mutually follow on neocities twice outside of neocities organically. wiichicken on the discord server, and now fileto from someone i follow on twitter retweeting. small world
does anyone know any good neocities directories/district alternatives? im thinking about making my own cuz i cant seem to find any active ones
dabric 10 months ago

neoneighborhoods... i literally follow them ... bruh

dabric 10 months ago

i still might make one just for the hell of it, cuz fun

graybox 10 months ago

i completely forgot about neoneighborhoods...

1 like
jeith 10 months ago

ikaroll made one 2 days ago! its

did you know nom
with that commented out html showing a penelope assistant, and that recent commit making it supporter only, i wonder if that ai assistant thing is gonna become an actual feature?
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due to burnout ive been using twitter more often, and hot take, and possibly because im using it behind ublock origin, a custom made 300 line stylesheet, and i'm very picky about curating my timeline, it's not *that* bad.
dabric 11 months ago

well i guess you can get like any social media to that point of being reasonable. a website is more hackable and thus easier to whip into shape than an app

dabric 11 months ago

also more representative that i need a better way of adding content to my site. summoning vscode and npm run dev to add a blog post is eh. but i dont rly wanna code rn. adding a few lines to a stylesheet every so often to make twitter objectively better is easier than trying to come up with like a cms or whatever

also tried creating a dark theme for neocities but i am finding it quite hard. there isn't really a consistent color system and it's hard to tell what selectors go to what at times.

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CreatedFeb 16, 2020
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personal ssg programming