Lexi's Blog

1,789 updates
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Thank you so much for the follow!! I really love the pink clouds on the main page, ur site is just really cute in general!!
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got a new phone! it's a used Google pixel 4, and I've got grapheneOS installed on it. updated my hardware section to include it, and if I like it, I'll write up a recommendation!
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zazilicious 3 months ago

Minor update to my hardware list

This site reminds me of an old website I used to go to that was themed after Doom, and other ID software games, so going through this is sooo nostalgic for me!!
Woah, this site is amazing!! I NEED to explore it more when I have time, the aesthetic is draw-dropping!
mirrorland 3 months ago

Thanks so much, fasten seat belts, it's quite a ride, I hope you find the time. :)

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There's isn't really a good like, "offline with bots" Call of Duty experience. There used to be some, but Activision keeps being shitty. So I might make my own, how hard could it be? (jokes, ik it would be so hard)
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I kind of want to make a response to a video I just watched about the scientific plausibility of Godzilla, but most of my criticisms are hedged on the notion that scientific plausibility in fiction is irrelevant much of the time, and idk if the creator would even disagree with that
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zazilicious 3 months ago

like sure, I love hard science fiction, its one of my favorite subgenres of scifi in general. I love being able to dig deep on topics explored in a given piece of media, and feel the groundeness of it. However, not everything has to be grounded in realism, nor should it.

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zazilicious 3 months ago

Realism is one means of communicating meaning, and it should not be the only. But like, it could be the author of the video agrees with that notion, and any assumptions I make otherwise are just me being autistic and not understanding people again

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zazilicious 3 months ago

Might just write a little piece about people's tendancy to denigrate media for its lack of realism, or inconsistent realism, but I have to consider if the content creator in question should be lumped in with those people, or if he is just exploring and assessing whether or not pieces of media belong to a particular subgenre

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zazilicious 3 months ago

some minor edits plus more buttons in progress!

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Last updated 2 days ago
CreatedApr 10, 2022
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