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Just read your new about page (stunning work by the way!); I didn't know you liked math rock. Who are your favorite math rock artists ?
velvetblue 4 months ago

im kinda new to the genre, so i havent gotten into too many artists from it yet. toe is probably my favorite math rock band so far though, their work is some of the most beautiful music i've ever heard in my life lol. tricot's also a pretty good band, though it's mostly their early work that fits math rock. their latest stuff leans a little more towards just general j-rock imo. any good recs?

vashti 4 months ago

A little less amped up than toe, but Okurimono by Hyakkei is my favorite album ever. It got me into math rock. I also discovered this math rock-esque album within the past couple of weeks & it's one of my other favorites:

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vashti 4 months ago

You should also check out Elephant Gym, Lifeguard of a Helpless Body by Monobody, Rooftops' A Forest of Polarity & a lot of people who like math rock like Chinese Football. I'm not as into them as everyone else that I've listed, but they're still good in my opinion!

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vashti 4 months ago

& Elm by Clever Girl

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velvetblue 4 months ago

all great recs! currently checking out okurimono right now and it is phenomenal. its so pretty, but oddly nostalgic sounding too, i love it

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velvetblue 4 months ago

flying carpet is probably my favorite track so far, idk how to describe it but it sounds so sentimental somehow

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vashti 4 months ago

I'm so glad you like it so far ♡! It's my favorite album because I can listen to it when I'm feeling down, when I wake up in morning, when I read: It's a companion & a friend that goes with me everywhere.

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vashti 4 months ago

Flying Carpet is one of my favorites too. I know exactly the feeling that you're talking about. The song makes my heart glow.

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