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readingproject 1 year ago

How cute! Victoria also has a ginger cat called Pickles. Lucy would eat Pickles if she could get near him. But then, she also eats socks, her own vomit, poo, tries to eat her tail, but requires a treat as a reward for eating her own dinner. She is not very sensible.

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tinypaws 1 year ago

i had a ginger cat in my late teens that i named cheeto but my mom talked me into adding one extra o at the end so it's spelled as Cheetoo. even more rare is it was a female ginger cat! Lucy sounds kinda like a crazier version of my dads dog LOL she doesnt eat socks or try to eat her tail but she does eat her own vomit and poo and if given the chance will try to hump anything that moves. including your arm

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tinypaws 1 year ago

she also eats her own dinner fine(a little too fine. he had to put her on a diet not long ago) doesnt try to eat his cat. luckily hes smart enough to avoid her when shes 'in the mood' and she yaps at squirrels farting clear across the globe

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readingproject 1 year ago

Lucy is too much of a lady to hump anyone's leg, but we get possums running across and fighting on our roof at night and that really sets her off!

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tinypaws 1 year ago

youre lucky cuz it's rather awkward to be watching a movie and all of a sudden feel paws and claws on your arm trying to get your arm into position. i often hear my dad saying "you stop that" LOL oh i bet. possums sound weird as heck!

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tinypaws 1 year ago

i think its more of a form of play for her than anything else cuz she playfully growls and bark when told to stop. doesnt make it any less awkward though LOL

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CreatedMay 31, 2015
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