Memento mori

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I unfollowed fauux since he has enough
Yesterday I actually saw children trying to celebrate Halloweenie here in Russia. Their suits looked rather sad and watching little children strolling around those sad commieblocks with their bags acsolutely empty nearly made me cry. When I asked if anyone actually gave them some treat, they said that they only got it from a supermarket nearby, and I imagine they won't give them too much for free.
shelfdust 7 years ago

As I passed them, I heard some of them saying stuff like "I wish we were Americans, then we'd actually get some candy"... ;-; This makes me want to make another shitty page on my site.

Thanks for following Palutena!!! But I need another follower since 13 is a rather unlucky numbah!
1 like
palutena 7 years ago

i was literally about to post and then you followed me. close call dude. close call.

My eyes hurt. I should be sleeping. Instead, I made three new pages.
The "Twelfth Apostle" award goes to A. N. Lucas.
froghand 7 years ago

^ how do i like a post twice. this is a good post ^

I need one more follower so we can be like the Twelve Apostles, with me being like Jesus.

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CreatedJul 6, 2016
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