Deathspark's Domain

826 updates
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Wow. Almost a year since I did anything. Slot has changed and my life has taken many turns. I’m gonna try to get back into coding and try to improve again. But I have no idea how well I’ll be able to stick with it. Job, where I live, everything has changed. Including having a baby. So I’ll try but I can’t guarantee anything. But again thank you to the few followers and here’s to hitting 16k views
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joppiesaus 6 years ago

good luck, do whatever is good for you :)

soooo i know ive been gone for awhile but now i cant edit some pages. looking into the issue.
Why am I creating so many pages? This wasn't what I had in mind when I created my site. Hmmm...

Website Stats

Last updated 7 years ago
CreatedSep 21, 2016
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