Memento mori

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Hello, here your great fan, joppiesaus, I have researched all your subscriber greets(teng 4 subscribnan), here are them: tegen for surusn, tegn for subribsin, TENG YOU FOR SUBRIBING, TENG YE FO SUBRIBBIN BROOOO, teng for subribsing, THENK YOU FOR SUBRIBSN, Ty for subbing, friend!
joppiesaus 6 years ago

also had a great time visiting your old comments, laughed a lot. And I finally understood the reference of this( it's from dilbert 3:

joppiesaus 6 years ago

also where is froghand ;_;

1 like
joppiesaus 6 years ago

come back my beautiful frog ;_; (who can also make jokes, and actually he's a hand with the shape of a frog, or a hand from a frog, or something)

joppiesaus 6 years ago

Oh no! I forgot "ty for su"

shelfdust 6 years ago

Joppie, you gotta be the reason my site is still existing and I still make little additions to the diary as I know that I do have a reader. Lots of love <3

shelfdust 6 years ago

And I also wonder where did our Froggo go. :/

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Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedJul 6, 2016
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