A New post, A somewhat crummy XMPP guide, and new page about my WACUP (Winamp) Playlist, alongside other assorted changes.
I've redone my site for the nth time, hopefully to an extent that satisfies me this time :p
Sorry to bother you, but I noticed on the links page, my button goes to my site no problem, but the text link points to https://madeinv.love/tojisworld.neocities.org
made a page for some vietnam vacation photos from last year, also updated now page
While It seems It's taking a bit for neocities to reflect it, I redesigned my site again, things have been changed and added and etc, notably, I added a Now Page for my site.
Good post, Skullgirls, Blazblue, and Melty are like peak of the peak when it comes to diverse and iconic color options.
defo, i almost made this into a page where i gush about cool fighting game colors, but i had to hold myself back for the sake of being concise
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