Cryptide Travis' Neocitie

1,484 updates
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thinking about making an entire seeking list these days I'm looking for some really specific stuff lmao
will be writing up my monthly blog post soon i've been up too alot this month ^^
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the temptation to build skeleton websites within a website is real but i also know if i keep taking on projects id never get anything done
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i have realized i'm one of the top blogs in the vhs tag thank you guys!
Great site! Any plans to add photos of your collection? I'd love to see some Trek stuff. It's cool that you digitize and archive things. I used to have a lot more VHS too, but sadly, I've gotten rid of most of them due to space :(
cryptidetr 7 months ago

I do plan on adding photos frankly my only reason I havent is that I'm moving soon! so my tapes havent been as organized looking as usual

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ralphsdigitalrecord 7 months ago

Oh, that makes sense! Well I look forward to seeing it when you do! Good luck with the move!

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Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedApr 8, 2023
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archivism art portfolio blog vhs