The Home Page for Titor's Edge!

460 updates
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The pendulum of my writing energy (when I'm away from home and thus unable to work on my game) has swung away from the journals and back to my YouTube scripts. Gotta make sure to finish the politics entry, but after that it may be a while before I have another entry. Doesn't help that doing things with the Dreamcast is... pricey.
Updating the top menu is only going to take more time as I add pages. There has to be an easier way....
Gotta say, this is one heck of a time capsule, even just seeing the old magazine articles is just such a trip. It's mostly older than I am, and it makes for really interesting history to click through!

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Last updated 4 days ago
CreatedJan 7, 2025
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dreamcast art videogames indiedev journaling