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i made a page for free/cheap fighting games you can play, alongside an accomapnying journal post, happy winter
When I was a teenager, there was a massive disconnect between the fact that I only liked fighting games (in my case KoF) for the character designs, while it felt like everyone online treated them like learning to play the guitar -- you have to be devoted towards it, otherwise it's just "pointless". So I appreciate your stance that they don't have to be a big deal -- I wish more people had said that when I was younger
Its unfortunate how different these communities were back then, and while theres bound to still be people who still have that same opinion, thankfully they dont reach others very well. I actually have a friend who played SNK games like kof and last blade who went through a very similiar experience to you; and they would mention the fanart and cosplays of SNK characters they enjoyed.
While I'm sorry you had an experiance like that in your youth, just remember even before all the people who just wanted to play competitive, there were also just about as many people who just liked cool designs.
the page came out great! (let's go Skullgirls represent!) also, i agree overly competitve fighting gamers are just one part of the FG audience and there is still lots of art and music appreciation to go around for game old and new right now!