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When I lived in Toronto long ago, me and my dad went to High Park and tried to feed the squirrels there, but before we even got close to the squirrels with nuts/seeds in our hands, chickadees started landing on our hands to grab the food. It was so exciting for me to have little birdies landing on my hand as a kid. π
Nice mini-essay btw π
@lhfm i joined the party
@lhfm This is quite ironic, because in the UK, squirrels are often blamed for stealing food from bird tables and bird feeders and many people go crazy that they have the audacity to visit their garden, etc... Personally, I have no problem with them because they are one of the few wild mammals that I get the chance to see on a regular basis, especially during the day time. I don't blame them at all for the plight of
red squirrels - that is purely a man-made problem and not the fault of the grey.
bright-eyes, squirrels steal stuff from feeders here too...