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get an AIM client from the link on my software page, connect it to their server and add me. my screenname's Baguette
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hbaguette 5 years ago

the ad wont work at first but im restructuring shit because i have a very large brain, it'll work once that's done

hbaguette 5 years ago

sorted, ad should work now

This site looks fantastic
1 like
bruh some alt-right shithead got so mad over me saying "acab" that he decided to post a bunch of my accounts on some forum. funniest thing ive read all day
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38cautionzone 5 years ago

What the hell is acab anyway?

hbaguette 5 years ago

"all cops are bastards"

1 like
Bannerlink page is back up, under "other shit". I pruned a few dead ads, too. Got a site you want advertised across Neocities? Check my site!
What happen to Bannerlink? Working on it?
hbaguette 5 years ago

the ads themselves are still up, i'm just moving the page for it. it'll be back soon, but existing ads shouldnt be affected

1 like
Site's back up! Still one or two pages that aren't done yet, as well as a majority of the archived site not displaying properly. I'm still working on those.
Oh, and I've decided to take vipboss off bannerlink, after the shit they said about trans people. I'm not promoting that shit.
38cautionzone 5 years ago

Well, people are different

hbaguette 5 years ago

There's "different", and then there's calling trans surgery "mutilating your body".

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Last updated 12 months ago
CreatedMay 12, 2019
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