We were quieter during October because we were working on our portfolio; might be quieter this month too due to NaNo and more portfolio? We're also trying to get HoR's TvTropes page updated, so that's exciting.
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Oh! That's a relief. Thank you, we were getting worried. It matches the Anonymous mask one-to-one in appearance, so we got a little worried there was a hack.
Mostly made some readability adjustments on the WIP pages. Made the contrast on GoGM's sidebar better, and changed the fonts from px to em for better scaling. Hopefully more accessible now!
We're backing up our site just in case.
I'm pretty sure it's a Halloween thing
the alt text says "neocities mascot wearing a Halloween mask" so yep, Halloween
Oh! That's a relief. Thank you, we were getting worried. It matches the Anonymous mask one-to-one in appearance, so we got a little worried there was a hack.