Plural Resources

316 updates
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Artbreeder was removed from the index due to it's ai not being trained off of ethically sourced images
alright updated the "what is plurality" bit as well as gave PK and SP their own little section. if anyone has any suggestions for 3rd party apps that integrate with those two that i can add here, please let me know!
i swear at some point this will be put in alphabetical order.
Going to make a spot to share pluralkit and simplyplural 3rd party extensions. that would be cool
Desmond and the other coders in the system haven't been around lately, so getting work done on this has been slow going!! I did however know enough to get rid of the inquiry form and change it to a simple point towards an email

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Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedMar 24, 2022
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plurality multiplicity index resources