I also should probably think about cleaning up the main site first before I take on any more side projects.
anyway i'm gonna try to update my blog more frequently, it's sad seeing it so abandoned
In summary, it rewards frequently updated websites, with several pages, who follow other users, spark discussion on their profiles, and don't get blocked by large amounts of people. In essence, just websites that provide value, and keep Neocities active and friendly.
Also, I don't know how many of you noticed, but the "featured pages" on the sign up page are no longer four sites manually picked by Kyle Drake, but is instead replaced by the top 12 sites (under Special Sauce sort) in a random order. There is a permanent boost to the score of sites that have broken the top 12.
federi clearly was gaming the 'most followed' system (especially in regards to the followers to following ratio - seeing as they said following was a requirement to be listed on their site and they refused to follow back in any situation)
(I kinda realized I made a major mistake when writing the first couple of comments so I manually deleted them and made that new comment)
I'm shocked to find myself on the front page, since I don't seem to get that much interaction on my profile, and my follower count never seems to increase.
why, is he dying /j
I'm stoked he's bringing back "full production" touring. The only chance I've had to catch him live was during the Ill-Advised Vanity Tour, so no costume changes, only one parody, etc. Still an awesome (and unique) show, but having grown up on the Live videotape, it kinda felt like something was missing :p I hope you get to go!
RE Tsylatac: I wish I couldve gone to see that vanity tour! So many of my favorite Weird Al songs are the kinds of originals that only got played there. Why Does This Always Happen To Me, Christmas At Ground Zero, Albuquerque, etc... That "Live!" DVD is awesome, though! Really glad to have it in my collection. I'm probably gonna be watching it every day from the day we buy the tickets to the moment we arrive...
...at the venue next Summer. I hear some never before played fan favorites are making it on the set list, which I'm PRAYING will include Hardware Store, Everything You Know Is Wrong, Callin' In Sick, or even Genius In France. I'd also like to see songs like Germs, Since You've Been Gone, WDTAHTM, and Jackson Park Express make a return.
I really wish I could see him live, but was so sad to see the tour was US only. Big L for a non american like myself x(