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silverheart 9 months ago

feel free to disregard this comment if this is a problem you wanted to solve yourself. but since i saw your menus were giving you trouble, you can add tabindex="0" to your .dropdown class items and then '.dropdown:focus .dropdown-content' and '.dropdown:focus-within .dropdown-content' as additions to the dropdown:hover menu activation. that should work with keyboard! it worked in my firefox dev tools, anyway.

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silverheart 9 months ago

tabindex is an attribute that is added in the html itself, while the other two things are for the css. (maybe you figured that out or knew that already, just saying just in case.)

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whiona 9 months ago

Thank you so much!! I couldn't figure out why it wasn't working. I will try this out!

owlroost 9 months ago

And to help out, here's some info on accessibility guidelines for tabindex:

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silverheart 9 months ago

yea, and as an aside truly accessible dropdowns will make use of js to toggle an "aria-hidden" attribute to true or false based on user interaction on the menu, depending on whether it's open or not. i can't give any tips for that though, i'm sorry... my own dropdowns all just use the details element.

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whiona 8 months ago

Got it…thanks for the info! I nabbed the dropdown code from w3schools LMAO I’ve never done dropdown menus before

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