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cool idea!! good luck! <3
rooting for you!! i hope you enjoy ghost trick it's such a cool game!!
"corporate zodiac" hahaha // ngl inspires me to maybe consider something of such sort too...
+ id loooove 2 see the result of foals shrine (even as a super casual listener of em but also as Huge Enjoyer of Music In General)
If you’ve got stuff to finish too then feel free to join! :D I am super abnormal about Foals but I
am just happy when other people know and appreciate them. (Hit post too early lol)
concept: any member of foals stumbles upon ur shrine (maybe unlikely in yr case but still a fun(ny) thought)
I would be so embarrassed at how lame I am HAHHAHA but honestly, they seem like nice folks? When my BFF and I were 17 we went to their Holy Fire tour and Jimmy and Yannis took the time to stop and sign our setlists, so that was kind of them :) I'll talk all about it on the finished page hehe