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Hi Whiona, your website is very calming and reminescent of early 2000s sites to me. I can relate a lot to your recent blog post in trying to deal with a workout routine and getting over bad habits. I hope the new year treats you well (and that you do as well). Thank you for following. 🙂
whiona 6 months ago

Hey, thanks a bunch for following! I found your site a while back and think it's really neat, but forgot to follow you on Neocities till now. Happy New Year to you!

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pixelglade 6 months ago

No problem! And haha, somehow this is like the third time I'm hearing people forget to follow my page. 😅 I also have an RSS feed if you use those to keep up to date with sites. I've got plans to make my site have more graphics in the near future. 🙂👍

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Last updated 2 months ago
CreatedJun 22, 2022
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