strata on neocities

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strata 7 years ago

(Neocities' grouping makes it look as if I fake the post dates, noice.)

strata 7 years ago

[Du hast]

strata 7 years ago

[[Du hast mich]]

Great and very interesting web 1.0 page you have there!
websitering 7 years ago

I liked to change Win95's color scheme; high-contrast black gave the machine an old-school PC feel.

strata 7 years ago

Neat idea. I've never customized Windows 9x.

1 like
strata 7 years ago

Oh, wait, I'm wrong. One time I changed resolution to 640x480 on our Windows 98 home pc and started crying because all the icons were too large. Also, I fucked around with ActiveDesktop.

Your new style/css is very interesting! (Though I kinda miss the little red arrows) Also just noticed your 404 page breaks in subdirectories
1 like
strata 7 years ago

Hey thanks. 404 will be fixed soon!

strata 7 years ago

(and maybe I can bring the red arrows back in link lists, let's see.)

where do you folks live btw?
spacecat 7 years ago

earth, i dont know how i got here though

strata 7 years ago

wouldn't it be earthcat then?

lancerr 7 years ago

North Korea

1 like
I think, my site design lacks some kind of accent.
unfilledspace 7 years ago

I think its just fine.

strata 7 years ago

Call me a creative mastermind!

1 like
strata 7 years ago

@unfilledspace thanks! yet I have the feeling the site could be better.

1 like
unfilledspace 7 years ago

3 lessons I learnt for my site: content matters most, you can't make it two complex because its static, make homepage in the end ._.

1 like
I've uncluttered, refreshed and commented my stylesheet, just for you!
froghand 7 years ago

i hope those five likes are the best likes you've gotten in your entire life

strata 7 years ago

I've already gotten, like, 200 likes on a tweet so... no.

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Last updated 2 years ago
CreatedNov 23, 2016
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