strata on neocities

1,109 updates
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Maybe I should start a blog (like the journal, but more... on point) so my articles don't get watered-down with my personal shit.
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10kb 7 years ago

Why not? If they like you, they'll want to know more about you.

Not even barely losing our mind, on the midnight grind.
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10kb 7 years ago

Nachts ist es kälter als draußen.

strata 7 years ago

Zu Fuß ist es kürzer als über den Berg.

10kb 7 years ago

My foot is as cold as a mountain?

10kb 7 years ago

^ close enough

strata 7 years ago

(Walking (using your feet) is shorter than hiking the mountain.)

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jeremyredhead 7 years ago

Ever heard of Nitrome? They were pretty much my childhood. :P

strata 7 years ago

Nope :/ I spent my time on and Miniclip.

html shortcode syntax explained: ‘ -> left single quote / ’ -> right single quote / “ -> left double quotes / etc.
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strata 7 years ago

holy shit. Neocities doesn't escape html? ™ ™ ™

strata 7 years ago

I'll never try to be helpful again.

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jeremyredhead 7 years ago

Actually, they seem to strip out any tags. It's just the HTML entities they allow. :(

joppiesaus 7 years ago


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I'm not contented with my site...
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joppiesaus 7 years ago

I can see why you will abandon your journal. Maybe start a journal only you have access to so you can get cathartic again? Anyways your CSS is _great_. You can try something new, that's cool. Maybe add another bloated feature to your A-STATIC STRATA-TASTIC STATIC SITE GENERATOR that will allow the user to select CSS?(idk how this would work lmao)

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strata 7 years ago

Idk. An only-me journal doesn't feel right. It feels right when it's public but no one reads it.. well..

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strata 7 years ago

Also, thanks for the compliments regarding my css. The A-STATIC STRATA-TASTIC STATIC SITE GENERATOR (fuck, you got me grinning here!) is just generating the journal, not my pages, so adding a feature there wouldn't work.

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strata 7 years ago

HOWEVER, I've also thought about embedding some JS to allow the user choosing between different stylesheets. HOWEVER2, this would 90% lead to me not focussing on keeping every css updated which results in half-baked shit.

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unfilledspace 7 years ago

wery nize idea. i think I'm going to kopiThee

strata 7 years ago


unfilledspace 7 years ago

i searched google for 'kopiThee' and my comment came out as top post, i just invented a new word ^.^

strata 7 years ago

Time to call Oxford.

strata 7 years ago

Getting a little romantic over at the index page...

10kb 7 years ago

strata what is this fancy CSS algorithm DOO HICKY on my page

strata 7 years ago

what fancy algorithm?

unfilledspace 7 years ago

nice A E S T H I C

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strata 7 years ago

This got overshadowed by the journal update, so.. I just want you to notice this gem:

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unfilledspace 7 years ago

nice. it fits well with the neocities site development philosophy 3:-B

strata 7 years ago

statement pls @kyledrake

Just found this: (and liked how I made everything look cooler while keeping the main things that make my css great)
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strata 7 years ago

Time to pat on my own shoulder now.

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CreatedNov 23, 2016
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