New scan: GGX SLASH Encyclopedia. Updated the GG masterpost. Fixed some formatting on Index.
Mirrored the giant GG fanworks masterpost I have on my Tumblr pinned post over here. It's /ggmasterpost.html. Added links to Archives, Index, and Sitemap.
Chapters 06 and 07 of the GGCA are up. PDF in the Archives, webview on Mangadex.
Got a bunch of pages updated to the new layout. Still need to update the Japanese, gifs pages, credits page, all 8 GG2OMC story pages, H-doujin page, and my about page but it's getting there
I wanna code a different layout for the about page so that'll probably be the very last one I do
Got the masterpost up to date. Updated progress on LtA and the GGCA on the index page too.