2,707 updates
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solradguy 1 year ago

Shuffled some stuff around and realized that the sidebar was being janky this whole time because I'd forgotten a tag after the navigate menu lol

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solradguy 1 year ago

I spent like an hour yesterday trying to figure out what the hell was going on with that. Really rubbing my temples over that stray ul tag

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solradguy 1 year ago

New webring!! :-)

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Added the GG Missing Link Comic Anthology scans archive to the Archives and Index pages.
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solradguy 1 year ago

Massive update today. Got Raven's and That Man's Overture stories uploaded, updated the translations & formatting for the older Overture stories, updated the Overture story index, uploaded the .PDF with the stories+illustrations and illus. captions. Also added the Begin .PDF to the Archives page (in case something ever happens to the upload). Nearly done cleaning the Missing Link Anthology manga scans too

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solradguy 1 year ago

I also skinned the GGX 4koma Kings manga when I did the MLA manga so that'll be next on my list of "shit to clean up." Hoping to start translating Lightning the Argent very soon, possibly next weekend.

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I finished the last of the translations for the Overture Material Collection short stories!! Haven't had time to add them to the archive here yet but I hope to do so soon. I realized, since the .PDFs for these stories are pretty small, that I could put that whole thing on here too and keep it all more contained inside Neocities than having to hop over to Archive for everything.
solradguy 1 year ago

With that update, I'd also like to add a Neocities link to the Begin .PDF. I recently figured out good dimensions for images within .PDFs that bring the filesize down a bit. No reason to have the full resolution scans in these things lol

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solradguy 1 year ago

Forgot I never put the Spotify links for these so they're on there now.

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solradguy 1 year ago

Added a link to the finished Dengeki PS F2 '96 magazine scans (the one with the Guilty Gear Missing Link beta article) to both the archives and main index pages. Happy new year!!!

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solradguy 1 year ago

Nothing big, just some house cleaning.

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Love your site!! I found it through the activity tab and your writing resources page is really handy. Definitely gonna have to come back and crawl through all those links when I have some free time.
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ghostingpen 1 year ago

thank you!! hopefully the resources and links help!

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solradguy 1 year ago

Drew a placeholder image for not_found.html and work in progress pages

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CreatedJul 8, 2022
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