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it matters to virtually nobody but me but i always feel such a sense of satisfaction when i reach the end of a course and see all my notes and work come together Smile
this is one of the few perks of school for completionists #i understand
YOU UNDERSTAND.... it's such a fufilling sensation that it makes all the struggle feel worthwhile
I've commented on the robe drawing before, but I really like the colored version! It makes the robe look cozy...
I really like the first drawing... Your oc looks cute in that outfit!
thank you ^_^ i've been into bathrobes lately LOL
Ah yes I figured it was a robe!! That reminds me lately I've been wanting to learn how to draw yukatas because I think they look cozy
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thank you! i love the feeling your site conveys
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it matters to virtually nobody but me but i always feel such a sense of satisfaction when i reach the end of a course and see all my notes and work come together Smile
this is one of the few perks of school for completionists #i understand
YOU UNDERSTAND.... it's such a fufilling sensation that it makes all the struggle feel worthwhile