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66 updates
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HII everyone!! So, big update! Firstly I've decided to migrate to, as I prefer how firmly they are against AI scraping. I've updated my index to lead directly to my site there! ALSO, CUSTOM DOMAIN! is now the direct link to my website. As a queer and disabled individual, taking the term "freak" and reclaiming it feels soooo good haha!!
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softatrocity 4 months ago

I will continue to look at sites here and interact with the community, as well as post when I do updates. I just don't feel comfortable hosting my content here anymore. <3

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WHOOPS i typo'd my own email!! If you saw my last post, and would like someone to talk to my email is This is a newer email, apologies for the goof!
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hello every-nyan. I've been taking a step back from online spaces since the US election results to step away from the dooming and give myself a chance to process and focus on the good in my day-to-day life! I'm finally feeling in a better place to refocus on my hobbies. We will survive in spite of this!
softatrocity 4 months ago

If anyone needs someone to talk to, my email is open!

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wow, your website is so dreamy and fun!! amazing work!! :D
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lilithdev 5 months ago

Thank you so much :3

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realized that a.) i had the wrong link embedded so my background wasn't showing up, and b.) jerma was in the way of the chatbox so you couldn't actually click to type in it. SO!! Fixed that, whew!
thanks for the follow i loveee the vibes of your site so much!!! (especially the little jerma in the corner)
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softatrocity 5 months ago

thabk you soooo much!! your website also has such immaculate vibes, I love the aesthetic and simplicity of your layout immensely! :D

finally had some time to work on the website some more. really happy with my progress!! gonna look up more tutorials and work on my own custom layout, probably gonna be a while before that happens tho lol.
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softatrocity 5 months ago

looks like some css things got borked. will fix it in the morning!

Website Stats

Last updated 4 months ago
CreatedAug 16, 2024
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personal art zines music queer