Numbers Story

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how did you design your map? Like how did you design the continents and stuff? It's really cool :)
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numbersstory 1 year ago

Do you mean "design" as in come up with ideas for the continents, or "design" as in draw the map? The map itself is hand-drawn; the continents were made up over the course of months while planning out unique identities for the countries and thinking how geography could augment those identities (i.e. a natural choke preventing Passane from invading the Western Dominion in Bivve, and then giving them a (1/2)

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numbersstory 1 year ago

central "identity" in worshipping Veles to explain why a bunch of city-states could unify so effectively (i.e. by sharing a foundational culture). Then because of the Veles influence, that inspired how I named a lot of locations and designed the area around it to give them this idea of being the Valley of Veles etc. Presuming you mean the Flameverse maps ofc

numbersstory 1 year ago

I would give a more in-depth reply if you had specifics (and maybe offsite somewhere lol Neocities has a character limit on these things)

technobear 1 year ago

Oh I was just curious about how you designed the shapes haha. But the other details you said were pretty cool to learn about too!

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technobear 1 year ago

As in how you created the shapes of the continents

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numbersstory 1 year ago

Oh! For that I just kind of doodled them :) I made a rough sketch of the entire world map with the vague idea of the size/location of each continent and then stretched and squashed 'em to how close I wanted areas to be to each other!

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technobear 1 year ago

Oh cool thx!

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CreatedNov 24, 2022
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fiction writing fantasy worldbuilding ocs