
591 updates
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Note to self. gotta fix the random symbols again... yippee.
Thank you to Petra Pixel for hosting a cool contest! Found some really fantastic sites and now have an excuse to make a following page and button wall (or something).
I'm also planning to test a filtering system in the site index. Note to self: refer to filtering div elements, and adding more than one class (tags) to each work. Maybe java a drop down list for a more advanced filter.
Made small updates to my site--namely slimming down the scrollbar, small updates to the site index, FAQs, and disclaimer, and updated the Story Progress Chart. I'm working on some bigger projects at the moment, such as making calculators/converters (how long will it take to read something depending on how fast the reader reads?), updating and creating new random generators, and making my own Mary-Sue test.
Fixed all the pages with random symbols instead of apostrophe's, quotes, and em-dashes. Wish there was a way to find and replace my entire site instead of going through every page individually.
Overhauled my entire site, including adding articles, character outlines, a site index, and more.

Website Stats

Last updated 2 months ago
CreatedMar 22, 2023
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art marysue writing fanfiction