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mothsbee 10 months ago

added freezeframe.js to all the css packs. also need to give myself a reminder to make some larger images for some of the packs because wowza I forgot how small the ace of hearts graphics are

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ok so for the iframes: I'm going to have a separate freezeframe session specifically for GIFs under iframes. there'll be stickied on/off buttons. not ideal (i'd prefer to just have the main toggles work...) but on account for my frustration and lack of desire to spend four weeks trying to teach myself javascript that's what I'm settling with for now lmao
solaria 10 months ago

ugh i sympathize with you with freezeframe, i struggled with it and gave up on it tbh

ps. the holiday theme is complete and assets are ready to go, just need to test it a little more. I want to add the theme changer (+ add some very basic non-stylized themes) to the site before I roll it out though. + make freezeframe.js work in iframes for the css packs
mothsbee 10 months ago

in that same vein i'd also like to add a darkmode to the style savvy shrine as it is. very very bright :( won't add anything else to it lest i find myself in a rabbit hole again but i do desire a darkmode for it. maybe have an option that uses browser/system settings

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mothsbee 10 months ago

fixed freezeframe.js on the about page - for nested pages use visibility: hidden with a width and height of zero instead of display: none. however this is a very hack-y way of executing this. it also reminds me that the navigation in the about page on keyboard still sucks total ass

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a discovery: visibility: hidden and visibility: visible allow freezeframe.js to work. BUT it still takes up space on your webpage. still, interesting
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mothsbee 10 months ago

this is vs. display: none - in this case the data isn't loaded unless the targetted element is set to display:block or something)

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mothsbee 10 months ago

okkkk doing this and setting width/height to zero for hidden and auto for visible SEEMS to be my jank workaround, though now there is the issue of the static gifs just. not appearing for the buttons. it works for girlfield tho

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mothsbee 10 months ago

funny thing is, when you hit play - it does actually play the gif animations! but when you hit stop the buttons just. disappear. i think it may have something to do with the canvas

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mothsbee 10 months ago

you have to establish a width and height on the freezeframe div. solved

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more or less I think I found the issue I'm having: when you have an element that uses the freezeframe class, and this element is hidden on load, if you attempt to show that element, it doesn't show the element in full. it just shows the loading image
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mothsbee 10 months ago

the easiest way of resolving this issue is by simply reloading the page on click. issue is... with the about page, everything is on that page and is just hidden/shown based on the section you click on.

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mothsbee 10 months ago

what this means is that when I click on an element that has the javascript to execute location.reload() on click, it doesn't load that section and reload the page. it just reloads the page entirely..

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mothsbee 10 months ago

there is also having javascript that runs new Freezeframe() on clicking an element. this DOES load the paused gif frame behind the loading animation, but never loads the actual gif

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currently: working on two css packs (1 holiday one and 1 space one). needing to hurry tf up with that freezeframe.js iframe solution so I can rework my art pages so that they work like my css pack page
mothsbee 10 months ago

i also think I want to add a "directory" thing on the main header. so if you're in the css packs it'll say like /art/csspacks (even though it doesn't look like that because. my site directory is a nightmare but you don't need to worry abt that)

mothsbee 10 months ago

yeah style savvy shrine is done I think. made a general about page layout out the gameplay for the game. also finally fixed the fucking footer on mobile

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mothsbee 10 months ago

ok now it's done. added some additional marquee sprites yippee wahoo. might make a darkmode vers at some point but currently. its done i'm not touching it anymore not at all

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mothsbee 10 months ago

uploaded static PNG versions of all the gifs in all four css packs. also tweaked a few graphics

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i do think that while I'm working on finding a good solution for pausing gif animations in the css pack pages, one of the things I'll work on tonight/tomorrow is static .png versions of all the .gifs for my css packs
currently bashing my head a bit with CSS packs. because there's four currently (and more to come), I opted to make a main CSS pack page with an iframe that loads each CSS pack page.
mothsbee 10 months ago

issue is: freezeframe.js does not appear to be working for me with freezeframe tags within iframes

transbro 10 months ago

Every time I hear about Iframes theirs always some issue. Not sure how 2 fix but I wish u luck <3 <3

lostletters 10 months ago

I couldn’t get freezeframe.js to work for me either even though I’m not using iframes.

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CreatedJul 8, 2023
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