
1,010 updates
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great website & art for having put it together Literally today, I am impressed! Welcome to neocities!
1 like
thank u everybody for being patient w updates... i started a part time job to help pay the bills and it's the holidays so I don't have a lot of free time
Thanks so much for the follow! Looking forward to more of your art. :)
Woah, the lightbox type effect on your gallery is super cool! As is the artwork! Keep it up!
1 like
meggieport 2 years ago

Thank you so much!! It took me a Long while to figure out how to properly implement the gallery effect (java is.. rough). I appreciate the comment!

1 like
meggieport was updated.
2 years ago
Iโ€™m certainly not Finished with my gallery but itโ€™s a start. Java is a menace but I have a smart friend whoโ€™s helping me out c:
1 like
meggieport was updated.
2 years ago
when you finally use java in your website and feel like a god (new art gallery coming soon with more arts in a more pleasant looking format)
meggieport was updated.
2 years ago
meggieport 2 years ago

the only thing i updated in this one is the background stretches with the screen and everything is centered... it took me a dumb amount of time to figure out how to do it exactly. Did you know my website is held together with twigs and duct tape?

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hey neocity followers and friends........ I'm trying to find out how to make my website stretch to whatever size the window is at and center, but im struggling to find/implement the code... anybody got some tips?
galore 2 years ago

i think margin:auto will help if you add it to your css

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Website Stats

Last updated 10 months ago
CreatedJun 21, 2019
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art videogames retro comics meggieport