macchiato v3

1,246 updates
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Hey, I browsed your site while waiting for adobe to update, I used the love broswing the old nick and hello kitty site, I never went on the fourm (cuz I was too scared to talk to strangers back then but I remember the old hello kitty mmo that was so cool (when it worked, lol). Congrats on graduating college, cant wait to see what cool stuff you're going to add to your site
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blissnet 2 years ago

I also loved the persona series too, I watched my brother play all the games, and now I'm trying to paly them myself but I'm working backwards lol. I havent really had to time to sit down in play for a while but I have P5R for PS4 and P4G on steam, I think my brother's copy of P3 is around somewhere but I cant find it atm, which is one of the reasons why I'm working backwards. Anyways cool to see another persona fan

hi i just graduated college with web development degree and wanna find the time to revamp this site soonnnn
i once ran away from the god of fear and he chained me to despaiiir (good choice of name!)
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ahh 6 months no update. ive been working on an professional/portfolio website because i need to get the hell outta retail
encounters-ltd 4 years ago

good luck on ur portfolio!! <3

scarbyte 5 years ago

I haven't seen an update for this site in a long while

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trying to look on the bright side of all this: i finally got time to update this site
i wanna update/work on my site more but uni be kicking my ass

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Last updated 4 days ago
CreatedMay 23, 2019
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