purple haze

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purple haze was updated.
2 months ago
I actually couldn't figure out how to properly center the header here, any tips? :c (or maybe i should just scrap this shit altogether cuz its tiring to keep working)
dxxhlx-clx 3 months ago

I accidentally deleted that comment I'm sorry, and yes ill try it out

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geouniversal 3 months ago

you don't need the center tag AND the margin auto on the h1, and put a margin auto on your banner div

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geouniversal 3 months ago

and remove 420 left 30 right from banner class in intro.css

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dxxhlx-clx 2 months ago

that did the trick, thank you!

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purple haze was updated.
3 months ago
purple haze was updated.
3 months ago
purple haze was updated.
3 months ago
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purple haze was updated.
3 months ago
purple haze was updated.
3 months ago
purple haze was updated.
1 year ago
purple haze was updated.
1 year ago
purple haze was updated.
1 year ago

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Last updated 2 months ago
CreatedOct 30, 2021
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