The Secret Site of Jett Secret

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My gaia flash tool now works! It will actually register you to my db (passwords are stored securely and queries are properly sanitized). I'm working on getting logins handled properly and making it so that your character is actually viewable when you login :) Plz try it out and let me know if there's any bugs (error responses are being really weird but I think I can know why lol)
y'all might not be hearing from me over the next couple weeks. I got way too much school
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I managed to modify the Gaia flash login to actually login to a database I'm hosting. Gonna make some modifications over the next couple weeks and then you'll be able to register and login to the Gaia revival shrine lol
Thanks for the follow ^^ Love the LoZ MM song on your home page. Is that the observatory? I was trying to figure it out but I think thats it :3
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neospacegov 1 year ago

Hehe yeah its observatory! MM is a huge nostalgia rush game for me :] love ur music btw!

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jettsecret 1 year ago

I thought so! MM is my all time fave!! And thank you!! :3

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Last updated 2 days ago
CreatedJan 3, 2023
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math programming personal nostalgia queer